When we began American Alliance Insurance nearly two decades ago, our mission was simple: to offer competitive products and offer superior support to our customers and clients alike. After all, the key to success in our industry has always been the building of genuine and lasting relationships with those we serve. It’s a formula on which we’d stake our 50 years of combined experience.

Let us put that experience to work for you. By partnering with American Alliance Insurance, we can set you on the path to a promising future, and help you along your way toward success. As an American Alliance Insurance agent, you can represent us and our companies right where you live, and we’ll get you started with a comprehensive product and service assessment. Our agents also have access to:

  • Competitive commissions that are often advanced twelve months and paid out daily.
  • Lead support that can provide you with lists of potential new clients who are about to age-in to needing your services.
  • Direct-mail lead programs using multiple product-specific pieces to fill your appointment schedule quickly
  • Prospect lists and direct mail lead generation via AAMG and TargetLeads®.

There’s never been a better time to be an agent for American Alliance Insurance. Contact us today, and find out how you can get started.

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